Hello, again!

Hi! So you’ve found Childology—welcome. This is a space that, over the years has gone by a couple of different names and occupied some different virtual spaces, but at its core Childology remains the same. As always, it’s a space committed to young children, to research and study, to empowering educators and families and others who work with young children to really see children and appreciate the fullness of experience present in each child’s life.

Childology grows and evolves with me, Ron. I’m a preschool teacher and researcher by training and experience, and I’d have it no other way. I’ve spent the past decade working with children, and the past six years in classrooms (both indoor and out, traditional and progressive, informal and part of big institutions). Over that time, I am constantly reminded of the wonder of childhood.

I don’t use the word ‘wonder’ lightly, either. Being a child, being a young human being, is as easy and as difficult as being a middle-aged or elderly human. This is my firm conviction, and underlies everything I do.

I can’t wait to continue sharing in this space with you.



A Yellow Journal.


The Sufficiency of Nature.